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Happy New Year! It is officially the beginning of a new chapter with 365 blank pages to be written. I am so excited to see what this new year brings! 2022 was definitely one for the books but believe me, that chapter needed to be closed! I learned quite a few life lessons but like they say, "Take chances, make mistakes. That is how you grow!" I don’t believe in the ‘new year, new me’ mantra but I will focus on being a happier and healthier me for this upcoming year. With that, I took time to reflect on this last year and put together a few resolutions that I have set for myself.

Take care of myself.

My main resolution for this year is to take better care of myself. At the beginning of 2022, I found out I had a high intolerance to gluten which was the most inconvenient news I have ever heard. How am I supposed to live with a gluten allergy and live in the South? We have biscuits and gravy here, people! The one thing I am allergic to is in EVERYTHING! Have I stuck to a gluten free diet? NO! - and I definitely pay the price later on. So in 2023, I need to do better!

Learn to say 'no'.

This simple word should have been my response in 2022. It could have saved me from a lot of frustration and stress but we live and learn. In 2022, I focused on helping others rather than worrying about what I needed to do to help myself. I put my mental health and happiness at the bottom of my priority list. I am always willing to lend a helping hand but sometimes we need to take a step back and ask ourselves if those same people would do it in return. Sadly, a lot of people showed their true colors this past year and from now on, I need to put myself first - especially when it comes to my family.

Get back in with nature.

This past year I became distant with the two things I enjoy outdoors - hiking and camping. I believe I went hiking three times and camping, 0. If you know me, that is NOT like me. I've already signed up for the 52 Hike Challenge so with that, I'm hoping this resolution sticks.

Be more involved.

With finishing up college and being on my phone constantly for work, I need to make sure I priotize the one that matters the most - my son. Noah will be 11 in a few days - time really is a thief. I have a planner and calendar to help keep my on track with what is in my plate but I definitely want to make sure I am more involved with Noah and his sporting events.

Now that you have read some of my personal resolutions for the year ahead, what are some of yours? Feel free to share and maybe, we can help each other live up to those resolutions.

Let's make this year ours!

Much love,


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